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Creating a housing price prediction model using data from


I wanted to see if I could predict house values in my hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan, using data from Though Zillow already has a feature like that called Zestimate, I wanted to make my own. I wanted to create a model that used different attributes of a house (square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, etc.) to predict the sale price. This could also be used to see how much your house value goes up if you build an addition or install another bathroom in your house.

Collecting Data

Zillow has a nice API, however, to make a call (ie, get info from it) you must have the exact address of the listing. There is no way to search the API as you can on the website. Since my ‘target’ (what I’m trying to predict) is sale prices, I searched the website for recently sold houses, using selenium and beautiful soup to scrape the addresses of 1000 recently sold houses in Ann Arbor.

Now that I had a list of addresses, I could plug those into the API to get the data that I needed for my model.

Exploring the Data

After removing data with missing values I ended up with about 400 homes in my dataset.

Feature Min Max Mean Std Dev
House Size in Sq. Feet 560 10,969 1,876 1,008
Lot Size (sq ft) 871 3,484,800 40,900 187,434
Year Built 1885 2018 1964 26.5
Bedrooms 1 7 3.4 0.9
Bathrooms 1 9 2.5 1.2
Price $20,000 $1,400,000 $382,910 $209,361

Plotting by each house’s location: houses by long, lat

Plotting prices by zipcode: bplot by zipcode

AA zipcodes

I didn’t end up using zipcode or geographic location in my model. long and lat were not predictive, and while zipcode was a little bit, it didn’t make sense to me to use such arbitrary boundaries. (If I were doing more than one city it would make more sense to use.)

Feature Engineering

I applied a standard scaler to all of my features, which transforms the variables so that the mean is 0 and the standard distribution is 1.

I explored using polynomial features as well as interactions, but those didn’t seem to improve my model much, so I decided to keep it simple and leave those out.


The model that I choose to use is an ordinary least squares linear regression. To account for collinearity of variables (for example, you might expect number of bathrooms and bedrooms to rise as the overall sq footage rises), I used a method called Ridge Regularization. Ridge Regularization– or L2 regularization– puts a penalty on large coefficients (also known as Betas, β), without making the coefficients zero. L1 regularization tends to “zero-out” some coefficients in favor of others, I didn’t want that.

Here’s how my model did:

prediction vs actual

It had an r-squared value of 0.62, which means that my model accounts for 62% of the variation in home prices in Ann Arbor. I think with more features and more data points I can increase that even more.


According to my model, all else equal,

One additional: correlates with an increase in value of:
Bedroom $3,157
Bathroom $26,818
House square foot $49
Lot square foot $0.30
Year older $12

Most surprising to me was how valuable a bathroom is! $26k seems like a lot. I suspect that this is because more expensive homes tend to have more bathrooms, rather than one bathroom being worth more than $25,000. If I can collect more features, I suspect that that number will go down.

Based on this model, here is the formula for computing a house price in Ann Arbor:

Price in dollars = 379,428 - 12.1x(year) +3,157x(#bedrooms) + 26,818x(#bathrooms) + 0.29x(lot size in sq ft.) + 49 x (house square footage)

Using Pandas

Hi, I’m Nick, an aspiring data scientist, and I will be blogging about my experience at the Metis data science bootcamp in Chicago. In the first week, we downloaded, cleaned and analyzed NYC subway data to see what patterns can be found in the data.

NYC has made the turnstile data publicly available on the MTA website. Unfortunately, the data is not exactly clean or user friendly, you can see it is in a .txt csv (comma separated values) file. We quickly learned that a large part of data science work is making sure that the data is clean and in a usable format. I will show you how I did this using python and pandas. Pandas (from the term panel data) is a library for python that provides data structures and makes working with relational data easy.

Importing data from the web

First we need to import the data into a pandas dataframe. My partner and I wrote this function that takes the date (mm/dd/yyyy) and the number of weeks and returns a data frame:

def combine_mta_data(start_date, number):
    '''enter date mm/dd/yy (must be a Saturday, check for reference)
    and number of weeks (including starting date week)'''
    mod_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
    url = '' + str(mod_date.strftime('%y%m%d')) + '.txt'
    df = pd.read_csv(url)
    for i in range(number-1):
        mod_date += pd.Timedelta(days=7)
        url = '' + str(mod_date.strftime('%y%m%d')) + '.txt'
        df = pd.concat([df,pd.read_csv(url)], ignore_index=True)
    df.sort_values(by = ['C/A', 'SCP', 'DATE'], inplace = True)
    df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)
    return df

Run the function with your desired start date and number of weeks, I used April 22 2017 and four weeks.

start_date = '04/22/2017' 
df = combine_mta_data(start_date, 4)

Cleaning the data

If you look at the columns in the data frame (using df.columns), you’ll notice that one of them has a lot of spaces in the name. We can easily remove this using the python function .strip(). While we’re at it, let’s remove any duplicate entries.

df = df.drop_duplicates()
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip() 

You might also notice that there are two separate columns for date and time of day. Let’s go ahead and combine those into one column, I named it ‘TIMESTAMP’ (make sure you import datetime first).

df['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.to_datetime((df.DATE + ' ' + df.TIME), format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')

I also want to make a column for day of the week.

weekdays = ['MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT','SUN']

df['DOF'] = [weekdays[dt.datetime.strptime(dstring,'%m/%d/%Y').weekday()] for dstring in df.DATE.tolist()]
# DOF = "day of week"

Another thing I noticed when scrolling through the data is that, while the data is usually reported in four-hour intervals, when those occur is not always uniform, and some turnstiles were reporting much more frequently. To solve this, we create another column with “bins” to put each row into, in four hour intervals. Thanks to Lauren Oldja for this idea.

bins = [-1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24]
df ['HOUR'] = [r.hour for r in df.TIMESTAMP] #hour of day
df['hourbin'] = pd.cut(df['HOUR'], bins)

We also recognized that numbers of entries in exits were cumulative counts, since we can see that they are in the millions and keep increasing. To get the counts for each interval, we can use the pandas function .diff().

For this we wrote another function, find_deltas, that creates two new columns from the differences in the entries and exits columns. Later we found that some of the turnstiles were counting down, and some reset to 0 at seemingly random times. To account for this we used the absolute value of the difference, and any values that were abnormally large we reset to 0 (since this is counting each individual turnstile, it is unlikely that one turnstile would have more than 10000 entries in four hours). We also set the value to 0 anytime the turnstile changed in the dataframe –taking the difference in values between two different turnstiles doesn’t make sense.

def find_deltas(df):
    #creates two new columns, from the difference on the entries and exits column
    for i in range(0,df.index.max()) :
        #if (df.iloc[i,6]==start_date) & (df.iloc[i,7]== '00:00:00'):
        if (df.iloc[i, 2] != df.iloc[i-1,2] )| (i ==0) :
            df.loc[i, 'delta_entry']=0
            df.loc[i, 'delta_exit']=0
        if ( df.loc[i, 'delta_exit'] >10000) :
            df.loc[i, 'delta_exit']=0     
        if  df.loc[i, 'delta_entry'] >10000:
            df.loc[i, 'delta_entry']=0

One more thing, let’s add the entry and exit counts to get the total traffic:

df['TRAFFIC']= df['delta_entry']+df['delta_exit']

Data Exploration

Now that the tedious work of cleaning and managing the data is done, let’s see what the five busiest stations were by total traffic:

df.groupby(['STATION'])[ 'TRAFFIC'].sum().nlargest(5)

This code groups the rows by station, takes the sum of the traffic for every row, and shows us the five largest.

34 ST-PENN STA 7,500,052
GRD CNTRL-42 ST 6,793,625
34 ST-HERALD SQ 5,960,562
23 ST 5,299,998
14 ST-UNION SQ 5,030,327

What if we wanted to see the busiest times and days by station?

df.groupby(['STATION', 'hourbin', 'DOF'])['delta_entry', 'delta_exit', 'TRAFFIC'].sum().nlargest(5, 'TRAFFIC')

This code groups the data by station as well as hour bin (four hour intervals) and day of week. We’ll show the entries and exits but sort by total traffic.

STATION hourbin DOF delta_entry delta_exit TRAFFIC
34 ST-PENN STA (16, 20] WED 276,241 344,637 620,878
    TUE 268,276 348,503 616,779
    THU 258,329 339,546 597,875
    MON 256,919 329,947 586,866
    FRI 249,860 308,534 558,394

Not surprisingly, the busiest times are during the evening rush, on weekdays, at Penn Station.